Podcast Interview with Joe Lynch
The Logistics of Logistics
Thank You for Choosing to be Interviewed on The Logistics of Logistics
According to Chartable, The Logistics of Logistics ranks among the top 50 Business News podcasts, and typically #1 or #2 among logistics and supply chain podcasts. Since the first episode in 2018, the podcast has had over 250,000 unique downloads. The Logistics of Logistics podcast has over 21,000 downloads every month.
Schedule an Interview Time
When we meet, we will spend 10 to 15 minutes prepping and then record the interview for 45 to 50 minutes.
Recording Equipment
For the best results, the podcast guest should have the following equipment:
- External microphone that plugs into the guest’s computer.
- Wired Headphones or old-fashioned wired earbuds (Bluetooth air pods are ok, but not recommended). When recording, wires are better than wireless.